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Haitian Folk Music

Haiti is a country among the Caribbean islands that share a border with the Dominican Republic. Haiti was controlled by France until it won its independence in 1804; where the population was more than half African Slaves. That is why it is a common thing in Haiti is for words to be considered French but are bent into the Creole Dialect. Haiti was the second country in Americans to gain its freedom from colonial influence, they followed after the United States. Sadly, Haiti has been through much hardship including, natural disasters, chronic poverty, and economic, political, and social indifferences. Even though the country has suffered so much hardship the culture and the music surrounding the island are amazing and are what brightens the atmosphere in Haiti.  5 Main Subgenres of Haitian Folk Music: Affranchi, Kontradans, Meringue, Rara, and Twoubadou which all have a special dance and music.   The first one will start with is the Affranchi and The Colonial Dance. The Affranchis were t

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